There are many ways you can help.

Domestic Violence Services of Benton & Franklin Counties is a non-profit organization registered with the Secretary of State Charities Division. All donations are deductible to the extent provided under the law. No good or services are provided by the organization to the donor in return for the donation.

Support DVSBF:


Non-profit Organization

DVSBF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and receives funding from state grants, private grants, and community donations. In 2006, 89% of funds supported program work and client services, and 11% supported administrative costs.

We are dedicated to providing a wide array of services to survivors of domestic violence in our communities, and rely on donations and community support to keep operating. We appreciate your support and commend your efforts in helping us end domestic violence.

Make a donation to our agency. You can even make DVSBF a donor designated recipient! Learn more about Donor Designation.