The most important things adults can do about teen dating violence is: listen, talk, listen, talk, listen, listen, talk and listen more!
- Talk about Teen Dating Violence regularly.
- Demonstrate Respect – listen to them & build a relationship.
- Address all derogatory language, behavior & humor used by students or school employees.
- Promote gender equality.
- Talk about what healthy relationships look like.
- Talk about what kind of help & resources are available.
- Talk about what teen see in the media & pop culture.
- Hold awareness activities & events at school.
Youth need to know what to do, not just what not to do. Learn to talk to the youth in your life about how to create health relationships. Download some handy cards to start a conversation about healthy relationships and share how to Love Like This with the young people in your life.

Model Respectful Behavior
Teens observe how adults communicate in different settings. Teens often mimic these forms of communication within their own peer group. School administrators, teachers, coaches, and school resource officers are often the only adults, outside of family members, that teens are interacting with on a daily basis.
- Model respectful behavior that includes gender neutral language, mutual respect, and personal responsibility.
- Quickly respond to violence of any type, including bullying, sexual harassment, dating violence, sexual violence in a prompt manner.
- Address any derogatory language used by students and/or school employees by suggesting other words to replace those derogatory words.
- Promote gender equality among all members of the school community.
Teen Dating Violence Interventions & Prevention Curriculum
Having realized the power in prevention DVSBF established Respect. Equality.Empowerment.Love (R.E.E.L prevention) in an effort to empower the youth and community we serve. R.E.E.L prevention offers a variety of programs aimed and ending unhealthy relationships and violence before they even begin.
• Girls Circle and The Council groups: These groups meet once a week for an hour and a half giving youth a safe place to build upon their critical thinking, social and emotional skills using evidence based curriculum.
•In their shoes:In their shoes is an experiential learning tool used to give youth an understanding of what an unhealthy relationship looks like. Participants become one of six teens who have experienced teen dating violence and make choices based on their scenario. This is a great way to start a conversation about teen dating violence.
This just in!! DVSBF has been awarded a grant to train school staff on how to present "In Their Shoes" to their youth. All participants will leave with a presentation kit. Traning will take place in March. Location, date and time to be announced. Please contact DVSBF if you're interested. Space is limited.
• In Class presentations:Get the conversation started with an in class presentation tailored to fit your audience. Presentations include information about healthy relationships, sings your in an unhealthy relationship and steps youth can take to get out of one.
Violence is 100% preventable, our services are 100% free. Please contact our youth prevention advocates to scedule an appointment or to learn more about our programs and services
Andreina Olguin 509-735-1295
Zac Shileika 509-735-1295
Online Resources For Youth
- – MTV’s “A Thin Line” campaign addressed issues like digital disrespect, sexting, spying, and cyber bulling using videos, blog posts, quizzes and more.
- – Break the Cycle inspires and supports young people to build healthy relationships and create a culture without abuse.
- – Inspire, empower and celebrate a generation of doers: teenagers who recognize the need to do something, believe in their ability to get it done, and then take action.
- – Information and resources for healthy relationships, peer advocate chat line and a Spanish language site.
- – Website for boys & young men to learn about other young men who are living a life based on equality, caring and respect.
- – A project by the The Emily Silverstein Fund, in memory of a student killed by an ex-boyfriend. Get free dating violence pledge cards, take a dating pledge and learn about Emily’s story.
- – Multimedia site on issues teens face around texting, sexting and social networking.