Our statistics are purely reflective of only the clients we serve, not all survivors in our area.
There are many reasons why someone would not seek our services –
- lack of knowledge about services
- fear of retaliation by abusive partner
- fear of other systems such as CPS, law enforcement, and immigration
- fear that we would not provide services to someone with a pet, a mental health diagnosis or a chemical dependency issue
- fear that we would not serve a specific gender or sexual orientation
- shelter may not be a safe option if abuser knows where it is or would not be deterred from finding her
- or many other reasons for which we may not be aware
DVSBF provides services to any survivor of domestic violence regardless of immigration status, race, color, religion, disability, pregnancy, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, age, ethnicity, income, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law.
DVSBF also prides itself on having a “screen-in” not a “screen-out” policy. As such we provide shelter services to all intimate partner survivors of domestic violence – especially survivors that are historically marginalized and undeserved such as survivors with disabilities, mental health diagnosis and chemical dependency issues.
DVSBF also provides shelter services for clients with service animals, and for pets as well!

In 2022, DVSBF provided the following services:
- 1030 individuals and families
- 321 domestic violence survivors and their children stayed in the shelter: 122 women, 156 children, 8 men.
- 9,520 bednights were provided.
- Answered 2,842 crisis calls on 24-hour crisis line;
- Provided 14,089 hours of advocacy to clients – 488 with civil legal advocacy, 419 with criminal justice advocacy.
- Assisted with 494 protection orders;
- Assisted 211 clients with housing assistance;
- Over 3,000 hours of education & training provided to volunteers and community.
2022 Client Demographics:
Residential Clients:
- 37% white; 54% Hispanic; 3% Multi Racial; 3% Native-American; 2% Asian; 1% Other.
- 97% female; 3% male
- <1% Under 18yo; 14% 18-21yo; 81% 25-59yo; 5% 60and over
Non-Residential Clients:
- 39% white; 49% Hispanic; 5% African-American; 7% Other.
- 94% female; 6% male
- 11% 18-24yo; 81% 25-59yo; 2% Over 60;
** Our ability to provide services to non-residential clients is impacted by our staff levels – the more advocates we have the more clients we are able to serve. (The need for services has always out exceeded the limited availability of our outreach staff!)
Useful Resources for Stats:
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Network to End Domestic Violence
Family Violence Prevention Fund
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Washington State Violence Against Women Network
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
American Bar Association